Thursday, June 4, 2009

How to display currency symbol using coldfusion 8, Cfgrid fomat HTML

Question - "how to display the currency $ in cfgrid while using cfgridcolumn, the format is HTML"

There are two solutions to the above question

1. Have the SQL format the data and return the column values with $ symbol added to it.

2. The below code I found on internet, but it is the only solution that I could found if you are using cfgrid and format is HTML, I am posting it so that it is available.

<--- Query --->
paymentQuery = queryNew("fname,lname,amount", "varchar,varchar,double");
querySetCell(paymentQuery, "fname", "John");
querySetCell(paymentQuery, "lname", "Smith");
querySetCell(paymentQuery, "amount", "103.846");
querySetCell(paymentQuery, "fname", "Mary");
querySetCell(paymentQuery, "lname", "James");
querySetCell(paymentQuery, "amount", "200");
querySetCell(paymentQuery, "fname", "Peter");
querySetCell(paymentQuery, "lname", "Stone");
querySetCell(paymentQuery, "amount", "3.25");
<--- Cfform and HTML grid --->

<cfgrid name = "paymentGrid" format="html">
<cfgridcolumn name = "fname" header = "First name">
<cfgridcolumn name = "lname" header = "Last name">
<cfgridcolumn name = "amount" header = "amount" dataalign="right">
<cfloop query="paymentQuery">
<cfgridrow data ="#paymentQuery.fname#, #paymentQuery.lname#, #lscurrencyformat(paymentQuery.amount,'local','English (US)')#">


Note -- the above will work with COLDFUSION 8, to work with CF MX 7 you need to change the
lscurrencyformat function(just remove the last two variables).

1 comment:

Prashant Gupta said...

hi Brijesh,
i have done similar thing .
please look at the following example:

if you have any query please let me know.